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Job is missing a name.

Defined by MissingNameRule which supports workflows, actions in the "Default" ruleset along with MissingWorkflowName, MissingStepName.


Having a job name is important for usability.

The default job name is the id of the job, but it's recommended to override it for human consumption:

  • The job name is visible at various parts of the GitHub UI, most notably in the Checks UI on commits, bottom of pull requests and merge queues.
  • It's also prominently visible when looking into a workflow run: in the Summary dependency graph, in the Jobs tree on the left and as a title for logs.
  • It's also used in Email contents, listing each job as failed or succeeded.
  • It's also useful when opening the file for viewing or editing, to give some context of what's expected to happen in the job.

Note: the name: ... might be present in YAML, but if it's empty or blank, it's considered missing.

Compliant example

The example job has a name.


name: "Example"
on: push
    name: "My Job"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: "Example"
        run: echo "Example"

Non-compliant example

The example job is missing a name.


name: "Example"
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: "Example"
        run: echo "Example"

  • Line 4: Job[example] is missing a name, add one to improve developer experience.