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GH-Lint can be used in many ways.


The CLI is the main way to use GH-Lint.

Download the latest "CLI executable" from the GitHub Releases page.

It can be run from the command line as a Java application:

$ java -jar ghlint.jar my-workflow.yml

or as an executable on Unix systems:

$ ghlint my-workflow.yml

See CLI documentation for more details.

GitHub Actions

GH-Lint can be used as a GitHub Action which downloads and runs the CLI.

  - name: "Run GH-Lint validation."
    id: ghlint
    uses: TWiStErRob/net.twisterrob.ghlint@v0

  - name: "Publish 'GH-Lint' GitHub Code Scanning analysis."
    uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
      sarif_file: ${{ steps.ghlint.outputs.sarif-report }}

See GitHub Actions documentation for more details.


I wish I could say GH-Lint can be installed via Homebrew, but it's not there yet. The requirements for getting into the Homebrew core repository are quite high:

(e.g. GitHub repositories should have >=30 forks, >=30 watchers or >=75 stars)

If you want to brew, you know what to do: